“I've been one of Lila's clients for several years now, and most recently went to her to have the MRT/LEAP test done. I originally wanted to have the test done and to follow the LEAP protocol because of some health issues I had diagnosed with (in my throat) by a doctor, who wanted me to take daily medication before each meal for a few months to see if it helped. After talking to Lila about my medical concerns and the doctor’s advice, she let me know that many people that have had the same throat issue went through the LEAP protocol and the symptoms went away and they didn't experience any more issues. Since I'd rather heal my gut and reduce inflammation in my body by eating foods that my body can process and handle, vs taking daily medication, it was an easy decision to commit to following the LEAP protocol.

Within less than one week (really just a couple days) of eating my LEAP approved foods, I already noticed a difference and improvement with my throat issues! What I didn't expect when I started this, was that other things with my body that I didn't even notice or realize cleared up as well! My "always stuffy nose" cleared up, I found out that bananas made my ears itchy, and a "floaty" that I've had in my eye for a couple months went away. I had been experiencing these problems for so long though, that they were my "normal" and I didn't even realize they were issues until I eliminated inflammatory foods from my diet. Lila assured me that life-long, “normal” issues go away with LEAP and she was right! I don't know how else to explain it other than my entire body felt less inflamed and stressed.
I highly, highly recommend MRT and LEAP. Lila (as usual!) was amazing at working me through the LEAP process and even helped me come up with recipes that used “my” LEAP approved food. Thanks to technology, I was also able to do all of this remotely with Lila via emails and phone calls. MRT/LEAP is truly amazing and one of the best things I've done for my body!” – MM, female 30s